About Us
Access professionals aim to provide a high level of communication support and have a wide range of qualifications and experience, particularly within the education sector.
Access support in a variety of ways, for example by using – British Sign Language (BSL up to Level6) Sign supported English (SSE), Deaf Mentoring, Notetaking, Language Modification and can provide an enabling or ‘Buddy’ service.
Access also aims to raise awareness of d/Deaf culture and understanding by providing Deaf Awareness tuition and signposting to other professional bodies where appropriate. We pride ourselves on our customer satisfaction and our client centred approach.
Our Values
Access believes that everyone has an equal right to information and knowledge.
Access aim to provide a range of communication services appropriate to the client, to promote independence and inclusion within their community.
Access are passionate about creating an equal and open environment for all – facilitating access to education, the community and experience.
Access professionals aim to provide a high level of communication support and have a wide range of qualifications and experience, particularly within the education sector.
Access support in a variety of ways, for example by using – British Sign Language (BSL up to Level6) Sign supported English (SSE), Deaf Mentoring, Notetaking, Language Modification and can provide an enabling or ‘Buddy’ service.
Access also aims to raise awareness of d/Deaf culture and understanding by providing Deaf Awareness tuition and signposting to other professional bodies where appropriate. We pride ourselves on our customer satisfaction and our client centred approach.
Our Values
Access believes that everyone has an equal right to information and knowledge.
Access aim to provide a range of communication services appropriate to the client, to promote independence and inclusion within their community.
Access are passionate about creating an equal and open environment for all – facilitating access to education, the community and experience.
Access professionals aim to provide a high level of communication support and have a wide range of qualifications and experience, particularly within the education sector.
Access support in a variety of ways, for example by using – British Sign Language (BSL up to Level6) Sign supported English (SSE), Notetaking, Language Modification and can provide an enabling or ‘Buddy’ service.
Access also aims to raise awareness of d/Deaf culture and understanding by providing Deaf Awareness tuition and signposting to other professional bodies where appropriate. We pride ourselves on our customer satisfaction and our client centred approach.
Our Values
Access believes that everyone has an equal right to information and knowledge.
Access aim to provide a range of communication services appropriate to the client, to promote independence and inclusion within their community.
Access are passionate about creating an equal and open environment for all – facilitating access to education, the community and experience.
Our Services

*We are not ASLI / NRCPD registered interpreters, however if this is a service you require please visit www.westcountryinterpreters.com.
Communication Support Worker (CSW)
Deaf Mentoring
Deaf Awareness Training
Basic British Sign Language coaching
Specialist Access & Learning Facilitators
English Support
Exam Support
Links to Support Agencies
Note Taker
Social Support
BSL / SSE to match your required level / needs
Cued Speech
*We are not registered interpreters and we cannot provide personal/domiciliary care, but can refer you to the appropriate service if required.
Communication Support Worker (CSW)
Deaf Mentoring
Deaf Awareness Training
Note Taker
Specialist Access & Learning Facilitators
Basic British Sign Language coaching
Exam Support
English Support
Social Support
Links to Support Agencies
BSL / SSE to match your required level / needs
Cued Speech
*We are not registered interpreters and we cannot provide personal/domiciliary care, but can refer you to the appropriate service if required.
What next?
Contact us for a booking form to find out which service is best for you.
Call or Text: 07510 924639
Get in touch
If you want to find out more about Access Communications or if you would like to see how we could help then please feel free to contact us using the details below or using the contact form.
07510 924639