Social and Community Support

Our goal is to encourage independence by offering a tailored support package to each person. This gives them the opportunity to explore their own skills and build confidence in a safe supported environment. We offer services such as Independent Travel Training, a ‘Buddy’ Support System, Deaf Awareness Training, and much more. Please look at the links below for more information, and visit our contact page to get in touch.

Independent Travel Training

Understanding how timetables work, how to plan a trip, and ideas on how to cope with communication when things do not go to plan, are all part of the package we provide.
Our Deaf Support Staff use their experience and the most relevant, up-to-date information to teach these skills to the client.

Social Support

Our goal is to support our clients to access activities and services in their local community and further afield. Whether it is for yourself or for your child we can adapt our approach to enable you to enjoy the event. Access Deaf and Hearing staff have already supported our clients at holiday camps, sports clubs, gaming events, and family days out. Whatever your needs please get in touch.

Driving Theory Support

If you’re wanting help to understand the jargon, and help in preparing for your theory test, we can provide the support you need in a suitable location.

Deaf/Hearing Awareness

If it is for yourself, family, or for work, we can provide a bespoke training package to meet your needs. Our goal is to help you build confidence and break down barriers when it comes to communicating with Deaf people. We are able to deliver this training in various styles, whether it is to a group at work, or class of children at school.

Links to Support Agencies

Here at Access our focus is client centered and sometimes that means suggesting other agencies that are able to meet your needs.

What next?

Contact us for a booking form to find out which service is best for you.

Call or Text: 07510 924639

Get in touch

If you want to find out more about Access Communications or if you would like to see how we could help then please feel free to contact us using the details below or using the contact form.


07510 924639
